It's only words, innit?

Surely it don’t matter if you don’t write proper, cuz at the end of the day its only important that ppl understand wot your saying, right?

There are people who argue that correct grammar, spelling and punctuation are all becoming less important in the 21st century. Some say that teaching grammar is “elitist”. Many schools now don’t teach the English language in any formal context at all. In addition, the rise of text speak is encouraging the younger generations to become lazy with language. Am I right about that? WDYT?

The reality is that, for now at least, the way we write (and what we write) is of huge importance. As human beings, we will judge a person based on what we know about them, and in many cases, the written word is the only window. Recruiters, for example, look at CVs. Job applications littered with errors are likely to be tossed to one side; anybody who is not able to spell or use correct punctuation is unlikely to get that office role. As well as demonstrating lack of understanding, it screams poor attention to detail and carelessness. Writers will be considered less credible if their work is not accurate, and companies need to be very careful to ensure their message is professional-looking. There is huge competition in most industries, why jeopardise your chances of winning that contract with a poorly written website?

Language is constantly evolving, with new words being introduced and old ones falling away into the history books, and this is a great thing; the richness of our language, its heritage, international influences and modern expressions are all to be celebrated. In fact, they’re totes amazeballs. But will people, one day, not notice when your is used in place of you’re? Will the day ever come when the two simply become interchangeable? Or will it just not be considered important, in the grand scheme of things? Maybe. But, for now, I will celebrate each little proofreading victory with a mini fist pump, and be glad to offer a service which ensures that professionalism shines through.

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